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In Altum Productions (IAP) is dedicated to producing high-quality film and video projects, including full-length documentaries, mini-documentaries, promotional videos and vignettes, as well as other production services our clients might need. The expression “in altum” (Latin for "into the deep") encapsulates the philosophy of IAP. The phrase comes from the Gospel story in Luke (5:4) in which Jesus, after He finished teaching the crowds from Simon Peter's boat, instructed Peter to, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught [catch].
Peter and the other fishermen had been working all night with no success, but he trusted Jesus and obeyed. The result was a catch of so many fish that the nets began to tear, and additional help was needed to bring the fish in. Since its founding in 2005, IAP has been going further to tell powerful stories, with an emphasis on traveling to locations few others will go to be a voice for the voiceless.
Human rights and social conscience projects are at the heart of IAP’s work. IAP has earned a reputation for revealing injustices and highlighting the dignity of every human being by telling stories and going places others won’t.
Since its creation in 2005, IAP has partnered with clients such as the George W. Bush Institute, U.S State Department, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, In Defense of Christians, and the Washington Examiner, among many others.
IAP has screened its projects all over the world, including:
The parliaments of five European countries
Three embassies, two U.S congressional buildings and the U.S. Capitol building
Respected organizations including: the Acton Institute, Heritage Foundation Sheen Center, and Harvard’s Kennedy Institute of Politics
Dozens of film festivals and universities
Members of Congress, U.S. ambassadors, and mayors of U.S. and European cities have hosted events, and media outlets globally have covered IAP’s projects, including The Spectator (U.K.), Svenska Dagbladet (Sweden,) LBC (Lebanon) and Forbes (U.S.).
Many of IAP’s documentaries are being broadcast on T.V. stations internationally, such as Al Hurra, EWTN, and Voice of America, as well as on video-on-demand platforms such as Amazon.
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